Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Year!!

What a cutie

Too sweet not to share

Well, its a new year and we have started it out so far with Bennett getting two teeth at the same time. He is finally eating solids and some finger foods. I just can't believe how fast he has grown.

We have been working on potty training Kael. But I think it is going to be a slow process. He is somewhat interested, but for the most part happy as can be running around in a diaper. I have started being a little more pushy about it. But I don't want to push too hard.

Josh has been doing some wood working. He has made some beautiful pieces and sold some too. He has so many ideas, but only has so much time to work and spend time with us.

I am still playing volleyball, but the season is wrapping up. But on the bright side the spring season is about to begin. So I am definitely looking forward to that.