Friday, September 17, 2010

Too Long!

It has been far too long since I last updated you all on our little family. We are all doing great! I started working for a company two days a week! It is perfect. I am the receptionist/administrator assistant for Oppenheimer Companies Inc. Everyone is treating me nicely and very encouraging. Kael and Bennett are in the loving arms of Grandma Emerson while I am at work.

Both boys are growing up on me. Kael has started going potty like a big boy. We still have to wear diapers during nap and bedtime. But he is very good about going when I ask. I just wish he would go on his own without me asking. Bennett is a running and talking machine. He may not go very fast or speak words that make sense, but he loves doing both.

Josh is still working hard at the desk for Lumber Products. But we all know his favorite job is being a father. He just brought in a new rig into the family too. A 1968 International Travellall. KAEL loves it! He calls it his "Hot Rod!"

They are all smiling

Kael took swim lessons this summer and did GREAT!

Bennett riding the scooter! Not by himself of course

Kael's new bike for his birthday!

We went and watched the balloons take off

Watching the balloons

We went up camping and this is up at Summit lake. About a 1/4 mile hike

Camping food (Chips)

The boys on the hike

Bennett sunbathing at Warm Lake

Being a goof and eating his PJs. We do feed him.

Driving the new "Hot Rod"

Kael loves the "hot rod"

Singing at the lake

playing in the sand