Thursday, March 24, 2011

2011 thus far

The Boys

Kael playing with some old Tonkas

Running it in for the touchdown

Sleepy Kael

Sleepy Bennett

WOW! I thought I was going to be better at this. But time sure does get away from me, and I forget to update you all on our life. First off, we have baby number three on the way and we are super excited. The boys love to come give baby kisses, but it means that my shirt is getting lifted up and the stretch marks are showing. But in the comfort of my own home I don't mind one bit, because in a way it is bonding time for the big brothers. Kael has come up with some great baby names. We first called it "baby Mater," then it became "doc," and now it is baby sister "Lighting McQueen." I think it is way better than calling baby "it" all the time.
Our sweet Kael is starting preschool soon and he is very excited. One of my really good friends is teaching at a church here called the Pursuit. I'm excited for him because Miss Laura is a great teacher, full of animation and love for children. Then, it will give Bennett and I some good time alone together that we don't get very often.
Little Ben Ben is growing so much everyday. He loves talking and repeating everything that we say. He is always following Kael around and wanting to do what big brother is doing. I thank God everyday for such handsome boys in my life, including their father.

Josh is hard at work Monday thru Friday making sure we have a roof over our head and food in our stomach. It is such a joy to watch the boys greet him when he walks through the door after a long day of work. They both yell "Daddy!" then run into his arms and give him the biggest hug. I know it means so much to him to have sons that love him.
As for me, I just got my camera finally and am Super Oober Excited to get out there and start taking pictures. I've learned about a new kind of photography called HDR (high dynamic range). It is incredible and I am hoping to get some of that going. The only problem is I need my own computer and the software to do it. So I am hoping to WOW you all soon with some of my shots. Right now I have just been taking pictures of the boys. The weather needs to get nicer so I can get out there. Love to All!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Too Long!

It has been far too long since I last updated you all on our little family. We are all doing great! I started working for a company two days a week! It is perfect. I am the receptionist/administrator assistant for Oppenheimer Companies Inc. Everyone is treating me nicely and very encouraging. Kael and Bennett are in the loving arms of Grandma Emerson while I am at work.

Both boys are growing up on me. Kael has started going potty like a big boy. We still have to wear diapers during nap and bedtime. But he is very good about going when I ask. I just wish he would go on his own without me asking. Bennett is a running and talking machine. He may not go very fast or speak words that make sense, but he loves doing both.

Josh is still working hard at the desk for Lumber Products. But we all know his favorite job is being a father. He just brought in a new rig into the family too. A 1968 International Travellall. KAEL loves it! He calls it his "Hot Rod!"

They are all smiling

Kael took swim lessons this summer and did GREAT!

Bennett riding the scooter! Not by himself of course

Kael's new bike for his birthday!

We went and watched the balloons take off

Watching the balloons

We went up camping and this is up at Summit lake. About a 1/4 mile hike

Camping food (Chips)

The boys on the hike

Bennett sunbathing at Warm Lake

Being a goof and eating his PJs. We do feed him.

Driving the new "Hot Rod"

Kael loves the "hot rod"

Singing at the lake

playing in the sand

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A new Adventure!

Bennett has embarked on a new adventure. An adventure in walking! He may not be walking perfect, but he does more than crawling now. He has so much fun walking around that he has a huge smile on his face and laughs. Kael likes to stand in the middle of the floor and say, "Bennett you can't get me," and of course Bennett can't get him, yet!

Kael is starting to sing his ABC's! We got a Leap Frog refrigerator toy from some friends and he loves to push the button to make it sing, and then he sings along with it. Josh and I can take some credit because we were the first ones to sing the ABC's to him. But now if we try to sing with him we are told to be quiet. Oh the mind of a two-year old.

I will get some pictures up soon of the start to our summer! Love you all!

Monday, May 10, 2010


I was helping my friend Lisa Wight with a garage sale one weekend, and she lifts up this towel that is a hippo and asks " Do you need a hippo towel?" I started laughing and answer, " Yes, actually I do need that hippo towel." Well, of course she looks at me funny, because who could possibly need a hippo towel. I precede to tell her about G-ma and G-pa Emerson. Now G-ma and G-pa Emerson have an amazing hippo collection. Wooden hippos, glass hippos, toy hippos, any kind of hippo you can think of. But, we have the hippo towel and Kael loves it.

Jerzee, our dog, was in the house one night and Kael was wearing the hippo towel after a bath. So, he starts jumping at Jerzee yelling, "I'M THE HIPPO TOWEL!" Jerzee was not too happy about it and was of course scaring Bennett. Well, I didn't get that on video, but I did get another cute video of Kael. So G-ma and G-pa Emerson this is for you. LOVE YOU!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Yesterday, the boys and I had a fun time playing in the hot tub over at Gama and Papa's house. Bennett loved his little floaty thing. He even was putting his face in the water and trying to blow bubbles like big brother. I loved it because he seemed to have no fear and as a former swim instructor it was always one of my worries that my children wouldn't like the water. BUT THEY LOVED IT!! So it makes me a happy mommy.

Bennett hanging out in his floaty

Me and my stud muffins

Kael did really well with is water wings

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter and a Birthday. Whew!

Sorry this has taken so long. Life sure does get busy sometimes. Our Easter was wonderful. We had to be a church by 8:30 so that I could help out in the nursery. Then I got to enjoy the 10:30 service while doing all the computer work. Josh of course is the sound guy, so he enjoyed both services. After church we headed over to Josh's parents for a yummy brunch, Easter baskets and an egg hunt. Then home for a little relaxation time before everyone came over to our 1400 sq. ft. home. We had a lovely dinner, played some games and then had the kids hunt for more Easter eggs. We were able to squeeze in a little birthday celebration in the evening. Which consisted of a yummy chocolate chocolate cake that Patrick and Tara made.

As I look back on the day I am glorified to what Jesus did on the cross for us. It was Easter and my birthday. But if it weren't for Jesus dying on the cross for our sins to create our freedom. Then I would not have been able to celebrate my 24th birthday. The message of Easter is a great reminder of what our lives should be about. Living for Christ and Christ alone.

Kael dying an egg

So while we were dying Easter eggs,
Bennett was enjoying a pudding cup that Kael had left on the table

Our beautiful eggs

The boys in my birthday present and their
Easter outfits. I got a bike trailer.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our St. Patrick's Day

Well our St. Patrick's Day was pretty low key. Josh was home sick, so the boys and I were trying to keep the house quiet. So we went for a walk and played outside, the weather was beautiful. But, we had to have our corn beef and cabbage. So we went over to Brenda's house for dinner. Cal was out of town so it was Mom, the boys and me. It was a nice quiet dinner and the boys seemed to enjoy out Irish meal. I, of course, had to get some cute pictures of the boys in their adorable St. Patty's Day shirts. Aren't they so handsome?